
Comprehensive website services for SMBs & Startups

Power Your Digital Presence with Professional Website Development Packages - Unleash Your Online Success Now!"

One Pager

95 EUR


1 Page (Upto 5 section)

Contact Section

6 Month Hosting

Addons Available

Responsive Design

ADA Compliant


195 EUR


Home Page

Contact Page

Upto 2 More Pages

Contact Form

1 Year Hosting

Basic Icons

Google Analytics Setup

1 Revision

Addons Available

Responsive Design

ADA Compliant

SEO Optimized

Most Popular


295 EUR


Home Page

Contact Page

Upto 7 More Pages

Contact Form

1 Year Hosting

Basic Icons

Google Analytics Setup

1 Revision

Addons Available

Responsive Design

ADA Compliant

SEO Optimized



495 EUR

Home Page

Contact Page

Upto 14 More Pages

Contact Form

1 Year Hosting

Basic Icons

Google Analytics Setup

1 Revision

Addons Available

Responsive Design

ADA Compliant

SEO Optimized

Can't Decide? or Want a Custom Package?

Common Services Bundle For Packages​

95 EUR
One Pager
195 EUR
295 EUR
495 EUR
BundleDiscuss Your ProjectDiscuss Your ProjectDiscuss Your ProjectDiscuss Your Project
Copywriting49 EUR95 EUR195 EUR295 EUR
Highly engaging copy (text content) for all the pagesFor all pagesFor all pagesFor all pages
Ad Campaign Setup59 EUR59 EUR59 EUR59 EUR
Online advertising bundle of Google ads, FB Pixel, Google remarketing tag & 1 more ad platform setup to supercharge your online campagin

Some of our Popular Features & Functionalities

A simple and secure way for customers to get in touch. Increase customer engagement and improve communication, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Never miss an opportunity to connect with customers, ultimately helping them to grow and succeed.

Heatmaps help understand how users interact with their site by using colors to show where users click and scroll. Identify which areas, forms, buttons, and links are popular and which need improvement, and make changes to the site’s layout, design, and content to create a better experience for users and increase conversions.

Recording the actions users take on your website, see how people use your site and find ways to make it better. Fix any problems that come up and use what they learn to make the site work better for people. This helps make customers happier and improves how the site performs overall.

Let your website visitor start a WhatsApp chat with you with just 1 click!

Google Search Console helps improve site’s visibility and performance online. It provides information on how people see your website in search results, sends warnings for technical issues, and monitors incoming links. This helps to identify successful search terms, technical problems, and adhere to Google’s rules. Enhance your website’s search engine ranking, increase visitor traffic, and generate more revenue.

Google Ads remarketing is a smart way to advertise. It targets people who have connected with your website before, increasing the chances they will buy something. This method saves money by only advertising to people who are interested, avoiding waste. It is made possible by adding cookie code to your website.

An automated email sequence is a set of pre-written emails that are sent automatically based on triggers like signing up for a newsletter. These emails are useful for email marketing as they guide leads through the sales process with tips, product recommendations, or promotions. They are sent out on specific intervals to help leads become customers. Using automated email sequences saves time, engages leads and can increase conversions.

Editing images makes a website look better. High-quality images that people like and engage with makes a brand more trustworthy . This can lead to more sales and money for a business. For businesses that want to maximize their success online, editing images by professional is really important.

Stock images makes a website more visually attractive, saving money and time, and can help to explain certain ideas. It makes a website look more professional, which is important for smaller companies that can’t afford to make their own images. Stock images can show difficult concepts and help to give a consistent look across different marketing materials with help of image editing.

If you have a website, website maintenance is important. It helps your website run well, safely, and securely. Our maintenance service includes regular updates to keep your website safe, fixes for broken links, making your website faster, and many other features. If you use our maintenance service, you can save time because our professionals will take care of everything for you. Contact us to learn more

Chatbots make websites easier to use. They can give quick answers to questions anytime 24/7, without needing a person to be available. It helps customer service workers to focus on more difficult problems.

Chatbots can also help to sell products by talking to potential customers and doing some parts of the buying process automatically. Using chatbots can save money by replacing some jobs that were done by people, like answering phones. Chatbots can be connected to other tools and systems which can make the work faster and easier.

An E-commerce store enables one to sell any product or service online. It benefits businesses by increasing reach, reducing overheads, and allowing flexible pricing. Customers enjoy shopping anytime and from anywhere, with a wider selection of products, customer reviews, and easy pricing comparison.

A mobile-friendly e-commerce store boosts sales and customer engagement. It’s a valuable tool for businesses to expand their customer base and offer a convenient shopping experience.

Google Ads helps you reach the right people by allowing you to choose the keywords, areas, and times you want your ads to appear. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it an affordable option.

But running ads is just one part of the process, the most important part is tracking ads performance. Tracking metrics like CTR, conversion rate, and ROI to see how your ads are doing. This helps you identify the ads that need work or to be stopped altogether. You can refine and optimize your ads to get better results, leading to more traffic to your website and more leads.

Using Google Ads and tracking how it performs can help you make the most out of your advertising budget.

Manage various website tags without needing coding knowledge with Google Tag Manager. It simplifies the process of deploying and updating tracking tags, reducing time and resources needed for tracker implementation.

GTM ensures tags are installed correctly, providing more accurate data on online traffic, user behavior, and campaign performance. It allows for customization of tracking, making it an essential tool for digital marketing.

Facebook Pixel tracks user behavior on a website, creating targeted ads for better results. It tracks ad effectiveness and improves advertising spend.

With retargeting, businesses can create custom audiences. Plus, engagement metrics reveal how users interact with a site, showing where improvements are needed.

Whether you’re using Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Taboola Ads, Twitter Ads, or any other ad platform, our experienced developers know how to set up ad tracking on your website regardless of the platform you use.

Track ad performance to improve your ROI and optimize your advertising campaigns. Identify the top-performing ads, adjust ad spending based on performance, understand audience engagement, and make data-driven decisions to increase revenue and business success.

Landing pages are crucial for gaining more customers. Unlike general pages like the home page or service page, they have a clear message and emphasized call-to-actions, making it easy for potential customers to take action. Consistency in language and visuals across marketing materials improves visibility in search results.

Dedicated landing pages help monitor and optimize campaigns for valuable insights. Tailored landing experiences showcase unique value, guide customers toward conversion and boost sales. A well-designed landing page is a game-changer for businesses seeking growth and expansion of their customer base.

Illustrations are graphical pictures used on websites, social media posts, or marketing materials that help in catching people’s eyes, get the brand message across, make the website faster, and make people remember the brand. They can also help the website show up better on search engines. All in all, adding pictures make a website better.

Icons are the subtle elements on websites that improve the way websites look, make it easier to get around, use less space, clearly show ideas, and help people who don’t speak the language very well be able to use the website more easily.

We understand the importance of having a professional logo that represents your brand, and we take great care in delivering designs that will elevate your business. Our team of skilled designers will work with you to bring your vision to life while also ensuring that your logo is unique and memorable.

Along with our logo design, we also provide a style guide that outlines all the necessary information you need to ensure consistency with your brand messaging and visual identity. With our logo design service and style guide, you can rest assured that your branding needs are in good hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

We offer allround website services. Our services include: Web design & Development, Copywriting(text content), Image curation, Image Photoshopping, Website Maintenance, & Logo design. Contact us now to discuss your project

I want a feature and/or functionality that's not listed above.

No problem. Our team comprises of experienced developers who can build any feature or functionality. Just tell our strategist what you need and get a estimation.

How much does the custom website cost?

It's difficult to give a fixed price for a custom website without knowing any requirements. To get an accurate estimation, talk to our strategist about your goals and requirements.

Here are some example scenarios to get an idea. 
1. Website for a dentist:

Tim is a dentist who wants a website to make good online impression. He wants' to show his qualifications and experience he has gained over his medical education and training and people should be to contact and book an appointment online.

His objectives are:

1. Showcase qualifications and experience
2. People should be able to contact & visit him
3. People should be able to book appointment right in his website.

Website requirements will be:

1. Front page(home) where his qualification experience will be shown in brief as well as any testimonials from his training time he's just starting his professional career.
2. A services page to show in details about various services he provides.
3. A contact page with location on google maps.
4. About page to tell his story & experience to the people.

Other mandatory pages: Privacy policy, cookie policy, terms and conditions

Features & Functionalites:
1. Appointment system
2. Call Button
3. One-Click Whatsapp Chat

Since he already has copy(text content) and images for the website, his total cost will be in range 250-300 EUR.

Now let's say he don't have copy and wants to give his images a shot of photoshop to look more professional. This will add 100 EUR for copywriting and 20-50 EUR (depending on work needed and number of images) for image editing. His total cost will be around 350-450 EUR.  

1.1 Website for dentist who want to run online ads to generate leads

Tim wants to run ads on Google search and Instagram. Ad platforms need to add install tracking code to his website in order to get insights about how many people are visiting his websites and many other data.

It will cost 50 EUR for installing tracking and testing it which will add to the total cost.

NOTE: Tracking codes can be added at any point of time. It's not necessary to add ad tracking code at the time of development. So if you want to run ads later, then you can choose to add it later. However, adding it separatly may cost more because at development time it's bundled packages so it's cheaper.

1.2 Website for dentist who wants to have features like Chatbot, blogs, automated email sequence for email subscribers, etc

Tim wants to answer people's common questions with a chatbot so that he don't have to answer each and every question by himself and at late nights. He also wants to engage his visitors by providing them informations like symptoms of diseases or a patient story about recovery. His website visitors can also get the information right into their emails by signing up for his blog where they will be getting informative content in emails weekly or daily.

These are some advanced features(except for blogs) and their cost depend upon the scale of the features i.e. how many questions should be added to the chatbot and number of automated sequences.

Let's say there're 20 commonly asked questions then it will cost around 50-60 EUR. Talk to a strategist to discuss and get an accurate cost.

For email automation, there can be various sequences like welcome sequence where new subscribers will be sent an welcome email and some start content email on a weekly basis. If Tim has a content series for certain topics to engage a specific section of subscribers then the cost of setup will be 50EUR. Talk to a strategist to learn more.

Blogs: 50EUR for setup. (Blog content is not included)

2. Dropshipping store

Andria wants to start an ecommerce store where she will be sourcing products from manufacturers from aliexpress or other dropshipping platforms.

Her objectives are:

1. List products from manufacturers
2. Users should be able to easily browse and purchase products
3. Up-selling and cross-selling products
4. Sending traffic from ads
5. Extensively tracking user behaviours to better optimize the website for sale

Her requirements will be a:

1. A front page with a carousel to showcase popular products, featured products sections and more.
2. A shop page where users can search or select filters to find there desired product.
3. Product pages which will also be the landing pages for her ad campaigns.
4. Cart and checkout page.
5. Payment pages
6. User login and sign up
7. Customer dashboard
8. Contact page
9. About page

Other mandatory pages: Return and shipping policy page, Privacy policy, Terms and condition & cookie policy.

Features & Functionalites:

1. Ad tracking
2. Google Analytics & UX analytics 
3. Upselling & cross-selling feature

In this case she has copy for home pages and product desciptions as well as images. Her total cost will be in range 400-500Euro for 10-15 products and payment options like Cash on delivery, Paypal and stripe.

If she wants a professional to write home page copy and engaging product desciptions to highlight products benefits and features as well as wants to give the images from manufacturers or clicked from her camera a professional look and feel. Then her total cost will depend on the number of products to write descritptions and number and complexitiy of images.

The cost will be around 200-250USD for copy and product descriptions for 10 Products and 100-250 Euro for product images photoshopping.  

It will be a better idea to get an estimate from our strategist for an accurate quote and also to ask for discount or payment options available.

What is the on-going cost of a website? Like maintenance and optimizations.

The running cost of website depends upon website requirements and your preference. The basic cost of running a website includes domain renewal, hosting and website maintenance.


Domains usually is in between 12-50 EUR annually depending upon the domain ending(.com, .in, .app, .store, etc). Premium domains can cost over 5000 EUR for 1st time registration. This is a mandatory cost, a website can't exist without a domain name.


Hosting prices vary depending on the type of hosting i.e. shared, virtual private server(VPS), and dedicated hosting. Shared hosting is usually around 2-10 EUR/month, VPS is at around 50-60EUR/month, and dedicated host at 80-500EUR/month. Hosting is a mandatory cost, users can't access your website if it's isn't hosted in a server.

Shared hosting can handle 1000-2000 monthly visitors (depending upon the plan). VPS can handle 5,000-10,000 daily visitors (depending upon plan), and dedicated host can handle 30,000+ monthly visitor(more visitor equals more power requirement and more costlier hosting).

We offer 1 year free hosting for new websites developed by us. It is capable of handling 4000-5000 monthly visits, which is more than enough for startup stores, small businesses, doctors, real estate agents, plumbers, etc. We also provide upgraded hosting for handling higher traffics.


There are 3 options for maintenance:

1. Self maintenance: If you have time and knowledge for maintaining website then this might be the best option for you, especially if you are on a tight budget.

2. One-time maintenance: This is a perfect option for websites who don't have much moving parts like an ecommerce store that needs a constant maintenance. If you are doctor, lawyer, plumber, restaurant, hotels, and other businesses that don't have a website that requires constant update to it's content then this you can go for it.

Our one-time maintenance usually includes software updates, security patches, broken links fixing, basic desing updates like color changes, fonts, alignment, updating content, checking and fixing form issues, etc.

3. Retainer Maintenance: Website maintenance cost depends on type, scale and complexity of website. Our normal pricing is between 50-70 EUR for small websites with upto 10pages. It includes security updates, basic design updates like color and font, error monitoring, fixing issues related to hosting and website functions, upgrading features to their latest version, etc. Talk to our strategist to get the detailed accurate quotation.

Another option can be not maintaining the website at all, but it has it's own risks. Some risk factors are outdated security due to lack of software updates, broken link, outdated designs, lack of feature updates, etc.

How long does it take to build website?

It depends on the amount of work required. Generally, 4-5 page website is built within 5-7 business days. Discuss your goals, objectives and requirements with our strategist to get a more accurate estimated of you website build time.

I have domain name already

That's good. If you want to be successful online then you must have a domain name specific to your business name. Our team of developers can connect any domain name form any domain registrar to you website. If don't have a domain name or have trouble finding the right domain name the talk to our strategist for support, it's free.

Is hosting included? What are the costs of hosting?

Yes, we provide 1 year free hosting to our clients for every new website developed by us, we also manage hosting backend. After 1 year you can purchase hosting from us or any other providers(we will migrate it for free).

Hosting prices vary depending on the type of hosting i.e. shared, virtual private server(VPS), and dedicated hosting. Shared hosting is usually around 2-10 EUR/month, VPS is at around 50-60EUR/month, and dedicated host at 80-500EUR/month. Hosting is a mandatory cost, users can't access your website if it's isn't hosted in a server.

Shared hosting can handle 1000-2000 monthly visitors (depending upon the plan). VPS can handle 5,000-10,000 daily visitors (depending upon plan), and dedicated host can handle 30,000+ monthly visitor(more visitor equals more power requirement and more costlier hosting).

We offer 1 year free hosting for new websites developed by us. It is capable of handling 4000-5000 monthly visits, which is more than enough for startup stores, small businesses, doctors, real estate agents, plumbers, etc. We also provide upgraded hosting for handling higher traffics.

Can I edit my website myself once it's built?

Absolutely YES! We build websites that are powered by WordPress CMS. It's to easy use and manage. You can even add blog post or pages by yourself. Even if you don't know coding

But you will need to learn and get familiar with wordpress interface. Some mistakes can break your site. You can also hire us on a short term basis for updating content or making changes to your website, our experienced website developers can update or fix any issues very fast.

This is my 1st website, I'm not sure what kind of website I want.

It's common for new website owners to be unsure about their website. That's why we talk to our clients to discuss their goals & objectives and give them examples of websites so that they can see what they will get. Also, you will have a dedicated strategist cum project manager who will be responsible for getting everything done as per your needs.

Our website development process is as followed:

1. Discussion Phase: The goal of this phase for us is to get a clear picture of what our client want and give them some samples of websites so that they know what they will be getting at the end.

Our strategist will disucss about goals, objectives, expectations, outcomes and will give an accurate estimation of cost and time for development along with samples and template options.

2. Development Phase: As the name suggest, this phase is all about building website. Setting up wordpress, installing plugins, themes, creating pages, adding features and functionalites and finally revision, testing and fixing bugs(if any).

3. Hand over: Finally, the website is live. You will have an admin access to your website and will be handed over the site ownership.

What is your experience and expertise?

Our team consists of Web designers, Web developers, Logo designer, & Digital marketer. We have been developing websites for over 3 years and more than 5000 hours in website development only. So be assured that your website development will be in good hands.

What is your policy on revisions and changes?

Sometimes clients change their mind about the finalized design, its common in web development. That's why we offer free revision for one time. A revision means significant changes in websites design and 1-2 features and functionalities.

In majority of projects, one revision is more than enough but if you want additional revision then it will have additional fee depending upon the amount of changes required.

But, if the changes required by client is small like changing colors, adding a link, changing font or small layout changes then we provide unlimited free changes for that. Just tell your strategist cum project manager and we will handle the rest.

What is your policy on website ownership and intellectual property?

We transfer website ownership after full payment is received. For monthly plans, website ownership is transfered after 1 year or advanced payment for 1 year.

The elements like illustrations, stock images, etc are used on a commercial license. If you buy illustrations, icons, stock images from us then you will have a lifetime license to use them commerically.

What is your process for communication and collaboration?

Our main modes of communication are video calls, voice calls, online chat, & emails. Emails are the main way for support requests.

In the discussion phase, common communication modes are voice calls, video calls, and online chat.

In the development phase, the main of communication is voice calls, chat, and emails. We send regular updates about website through emails which includes what are the things done, what are yet to be completed, and how much time is left.

In the Hand over phase, we sent the website credentials via email and if our clients requires a demo for handling website then it's done via screen sharing in video calls.

What size businesses and companies do you produce web designs for?

We build websites for SMBs, E-commerce & startups. Most of our clients are small to mid-size businesses followed by E-commerce & startups.

What is your development & project management process?

Our website development process is as followed:

1. Discussion Phase: The goal of this phase for us is to get a clear picture of what our client want and give them some samples of websites so that they know what they will be getting at the end.

Our strategist will disucss about goals, objectives, expectations, outcomes and will give an accurate estimation of cost and time for development along with samples and template options.

2. Development Phase: As the name suggest, this phase is all about building website. Setting up wordpress, installing plugins, themes, creating pages, adding features and functionalites and finally revision, testing and fixing bugs(if any).

3. Hand over: Finally, the website is live. You will have an admin access to your website and will be handed over the site ownership.

We regularly send project updates via emails. The update includes what has been done, what will be done, and how much time it will take for the website to go live. We also manage projects on Trello, so if want to see progress on Trello, we can add you in the project board.

Can I pay in installments? What are the payment options?

Yes. Our majority of clients are SMBs and startups, that's why we know they don't have big budgets like large companies. That's why we offer flexible payment options.

We have 3 payment options: One-time, milestone-wise, & installments.

In One-time payment option full amount is to be paid after discussion phase, we give 10% off on the total amount.

In milestone option payment is to be after completion of each milestone. Common milestones are completion of discussion phase, wireframing, development of main pages like home page, product/service page, etc.

Installment payment has 2 option: weekly & monthly. Talk to our strategist cum project manager to get you on installment payment option. Note that the website ownership will be transfered after full payment is received.

Note: AestheticAlly don't charge for discussion phase. The payment is to be made after discussion phase after which the development phase will be started.

What are the available payment methods?

Currently available payment methods are Paypal, Wise bank transfer, and wire transfer. If you don't have any of these services available then talk to our strategist for altermate payment methods.

What if I had to terminate the project in mid or I don't like the website?

If you terminate project in the discussion phase then there's is no charges. AestheticAlly don't charges for discussing projects.

For development phase, the client will be required to complete the payment equivalent to the amount of work done. And for hand over phase, the client will be required to complete full payment since the website is already development.

Clients who made full payment will receive the refunds in 1-2 business days.

What is your refund and cancellation policy?

It's very rare for clients to ask for cancellation and we haven't seen this situation ever. But we do have a refund policy. The amount of refund depends on the amount of work done.

If you terminate project in the discussion phase then there's is no charges. AestheticAlly don't charges for discussing projects.

For development phase, the client will be required to complete the payment equivalent to the amount of work done. And for hand over phase, the client will be required to complete full payment since the website is already development.

Clients who made full payment will receive the refunds in 1-2 business days.

I want to see what my website will look like before making any commitment?

Our strategist will give you samples and also ask for other websites like and will create a inspiration board that will be very close to how your website will look like.

Let's say you have 3 websites that you like but you only want certain elements from those websites on you website but tailored to your business personality. Based on this info our strategist will create a inspiration board along side with sample website mockups. The final inspiration board will be the closest lookalike of your website.

So, whether you ask for what you website will look like or not, our strategist will still provide you with samples and inspiration board so that you know what you're paying for.

What type of websites have you built?

We have built website for various industries like IOT startups, AC service providers, Pharmaceutical companies, Marketing agencies, E-commerce stores, dropshipping website, doctor, real estate agents, lawyers, and many more.

In short, we our developers have a experience in building websites for wide variety of industries, sectors, and service providers. If you and doubts, just contact us.

I want to see sample of websites.

Sure, just go to our work page. You can see samples for wide variety of websites, from plumbers and doctors to e-commerce websites.

I want to see sample of features like contact forms, chatbot, etc

Sure, just go to our work page. Use the filters to see sample of features you're looking for. You can directly see samples for popular features by clicking on the below links:

1. Chatbot
2. Popup Form
3. Email Subscriber 4. Heatmap & User behaviour tracking

I don't have content for my website.

No problem, our strategist will guide you to create content for your website yourself. You can also hire us content creation at additional fee. We provide copywriting service, photoshop, icons & illustrations, and stock images so that our clients don't have to linger around from person to person for different elements of their website.

The cost of content creation depends on the number of pages and amount of imagery you need on your website. Generally, for a 4-5 page website the cost of content creation is usually in the range of 100-150EUR. Talk to our strategist to get an accurate pricing.

I don't have logo, brand colors and/or fonts.

You can hire logo designer to create logo for your business. You can also hire us logo design, we also create brand style guide which has colors and fonts to use so that you can build a cohesive brand style not only in website but also in other marketing materials like social media posts, flyers, brochures, etc. Our logo design pricing is usually between 50-100EUR

If you already have logo but not colors and/or fonts then our strategist can help come up with a color combination and font.

I already have someone else designing my website, can you use that design?

Absolutely, we have worked with external designers to create a fully functional website.

What platforms & technology do you use to create website?

We use wordpress to create website. WordPress is an open-source highly supported and secure CMS. It's easy to use and enables clients to add pages or modify their website by themselves.

Do you work for clients abroad? If yes, how?

Absolutely, infact most of our clients are from foreign countries. The global barriers for providing web development services have been broken with the development of better communication systems like video calls, screen sharing, WhatsApp, etc.

I want my website to be fast and secure.

We have been developing websites for more than 3 years and have received a single complain regarding website speed and security.

We use latest security patches and secure CMS like wordpress and develop websites that load fast and don't annoy users.

Will my website be accessible to mobiles, android phones, Apple devices and other devices?

Yes, all websites built by us are 100% responsive and be accessed from any device like android phones, iPads or iPhones.

What if there's a problem in my website after project is completed?

It's extremely rare situation and we haven't received any complains like this because we test websites thoroughly before handing over to our clients.

But, if it still has any issue then we will fix it without any additional charges.

What if I want upgrades in the future or changes to a web project that has been developed by you or another agency?

Sure, we can upgrade website design, features, functionalites, etc developed by our team or any other service provider. The cost will depend on what you need to upgrade.

I already have a website, I just need a few tweaks.

We can do it. Contact us to dicuss what you need.

I already have a website, I need Redesign

Sure, we can redesign websites without losing your website traffic and google ranking.

Will I lose google ranking if I redesign or redevelop my website?

If done correctly then no, but if not done correctly then yes. We have redesigned websites in past without losing their website traffic or google ranking. So be assured if you want us to redesign your website.

I want my website to be on 1st page of google.

We build websites that are ADA complaint, well structured for SEO, good user experience. We provide a good foundation for a SEO expert to rank your website higher on google. We also provide SEO plugin for free so that you can easily optmize websites for search engines

Ranking on google depend on various factors like quality of content, website structure, user experience, accessibility compliance, keywords, backlinks, etc. You will need a SEO expert to do that for you.
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